NuclearDistrict (ND) is a gaming community that's branched off of the well known ChaoticUnited community. ChaoticUnited was founded in 2010 and it became a popular platform for premium/non-premium Minecraft, World of Warcraft, and custom Runescape servers. After a few years, it has slowly developed into a primarily Minecraft community. From the ruins of ChaoticUnited rose a fresh start under the new name, NuclearDistrict.
Currently Atomicbeast101 (Owner), AlexZeroHour (Administrator), Nikfection (Administrator), Haloman30 (CU Owner), and AwakenedRage (CU Manager) runs the community.
Since it's conception on February 2014, NuclearDistrict has been a flagship Minecraft community. The forums serve as a platform for dialogue and various voice servers are in use to provide an enhanced in-game multiplayer experience. As a small, tight-knit community, NuclearDistrict is ever-changing, exploring different servers and games as time goes on. NuclearDistrict is run solely off of the generous contributions of its members. The community has always sought to reinvest any extra funds into developing the community further, and thus ND has become a community with enormous potential. Wehope that anyone and everyone can find their niche here at NuclearDistrict.
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